I’m Shelley Paxton.
Author, Speaker and
Chief Soul Officer
My story. (Yup, I’ve been there, too.)
If authenticity is the truest form of rebellion, I may be the most staunch rebel you’ve ever met. In everything I do, I strive to be bold, passionate, and above all, real. And ultimately, I’m flipping the traditional definition of “rebel” on its head. Sure, throughout my life and career I’ve rebelled against my parents’ wishes, traditional religious beliefs, and workplace norms. You could even argue I made a career out of being a rebel during my time as Chief Marketing Officer for Harley-Davidson. Yet I finally reached a point in my life where to rebel against something—the establishment, the rules, the red tape—wasn’t nearly as productive, meaningful, or fulfilling as rebelling for something. Like myself.
At the height of my 26-year career as an accomplished marketing executive and global brand leader, I, like so many of you, discovered that the view from the top of the corporate ladder isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it was sucking the joy out of my life—and the life out of me. I had been playing by someone else’s rules for so long that I didn’t even realize what I had lost in the midst of shimmering “success…” a connection to my own soul.
And my experience is far more common than people realize.
Since when did it become okay to put our mental health on the back burner? When did self care become something that had to be scheduled? The hustle culture of today’s workplace has led to a burnout epidemic, which is as bad for businesses as it is for their people. We crave the courage to infuse our values, creativity, and sense of adventure back into our careers. We seek permission to find joy in the journey.
I say it’s time we rebels come together and lead the rebellion, a movement spanning far beyond just myself, towards a more success-FULL life.
We’re burnout fighters and fire re-igniters, breaking free from the shackles of should, helping people across the world liberate their souls and reclaim their joy by rewriting the script for success—personally and professionally. Because success is not the six-figure salary and corner office. It’s not external validation. Success is giving yourself permission to be fully, powerfully, courageously YOU in every facet of your life. It’s saying yes to what serves you and no to what doesn’t. It’s blazing your own trail of authenticity, courage, and purpose.
Above all, it’s awakening the rebel within.